João Oliveira Santos

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ORCID: 0000-0001-6640-126X

About Me

I'm João (John), I have a great interest in connecting philosophy of science, research methods, and data analysis.
My research has focused on how adults perceive children, as a social category. My passion for programming and IT has led me to my freelance work, where I leverage technology to solve problems and automate tasks, in academia and in the industry.

Current Positions

PhD Student, Lisbon PhD in Social Psychology inter-institutional PhD programme (LiSP)

Advisor: Sara Hagá (FPUL), Co-Advisors: Leonel Garcia-Marques (FPUL), Yarrow Dunham (Yale)

Project title: “You’re too young to understand: Investigating childist beliefs and practices”

Teaching Assistant at ISPA (Instituto Universitário; Lisbon)

Consultant, Remote or Hybrid (Lisbon, Portugal)


MSc. (2017), Applied Social Cognition, University of Lisbon - Department of Psychology.

BSc. (2015), Psychological Sciences, University of Lisbon - Department of Psychology.


Santos, J. O. (2017). Do we infrahumanize our children?. (Unpublished master’s thesis). University of Lisbon - Department of Psychology, Portugal.


PhD scholarship: PD/BD/135465/2017 Funded by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT)


Hagá, S., & Santos, J. O. (in prep). Regarding children as less human than adults.

Santos, J. O., Hara, T., Do Bú, E. A., Mendonça, C., Hagá, S., Pogacar, R., & Kouril, M. (2023). Implicit Association Tests for All: Using iatgen for Non-English and Offline Samples. [Manuscript submitted for publication]

Hagá, S., & Santos, J. O. (in prep). Humanness and Valence Norms for Portuguese Words.


2022-Present: Helped establish and coordinate an R user group named RUGGED. I’m also spearheading the development of the group’s projects, namely:

2021-2023: SPGrow 360 – collaborated with Sérgio Moreira in developing an R/shiny application for the automatic generation of 360 (i.e., self- and peer-evaluation) evaluation reports of workers' social performance metrics.

2022: QHELP - worked with and mentored students, under the supervision of Sérgio Moreira, to build R/Shiny apps for teaching about linear models and their assumptions.

2017-2021: Collaborated in developing and maintaining LiSP’s PhD program official website.

Note: To see a more detailed list of my projects please checkout my portfolio.

Oral presentations

Santos, J. O., Hagá, S., & Garcia-Marques, L. (2023, March-April). Questions, Answers, Problems, and Suggestions For the Replication Crisis. 17º Encontro da Associação de Portuguesa de Psicologia Experimental (APPE), FP-UL, Lisbon, Portugal.

Santos, J. O., Hagá, S., Ricoca-Peixoto, M., & Garcia-Marques, L. (2022, June). Childism: Idadismo dirigido a crianças. SNIP XI Simpósio Nacional de Investigação em Psicologia, Universidade de Trás-Os-Montes e Alto Douro, Vila Real, Portugal.

Santos, J. O., Garcia-Marques, L., & Hagá, S. (2022, March). How Philosophy of Science Can Help Us Sort Out the Replication Crisis. JIP22, FP-UL, Lisbon, Portugal.

Santos, J. O., Hagá, S., Garcia-Marques, L., & Dunham, Y. (2021, September). What and how do we think of children? Are we discriminating them?. ESCON 2021 Transfer of Knowledge Conference, University of Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria (Online).

Santos, J. O., Garcia-Marques, L., & Hagá, S. (2021, May). Sorting Out the Replication Crisis with Philosophy of Science. XVI PhD Meeting in Psychology, ISCTE-IUL, Lisbon, Portugal (Online).

Santos, J. O., Hagá, S., & Garcia-Marques, L. (2020, February). Innocent until proven child? Adults expect children to commit more mishaps than adults, but can restrain these expectations. To be presented at the International APPE-SEPEX Meeting, University of Algarve, Portugal. (Conference canceled).

Hagá, S. & Santos, J. O. (2020, June–July). Perceiving Children as Less Human Than Adults. To be presented at the 19th General Meeting of the EASP, University of Kraków, Poland. (Conference canceled).

Santos, J. O., Hagá, S., Dunham, Y., & Garcia-Marques, L. (2020, June–July). What is acceptable? An age old question…quantitative and qualitative evidence of discrimination against children. To be presented at the 19th General Meeting of the EASP, University of Kraków, Poland. (Conference canceled).

Hagá, S., & Santos, J. O., (2019, September). Of mice and boys: Perceiving children as less human than adults. 21st ESCON Transfer of Knowledge Conference, University of Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France

Santos, J. O., Hagá, S., & Garcia-Marques, L. (2019, May). How do we stereotype and feel about children and adults? XV Phd Meeting in Social and Organizational Psychology, ISCTE-IUL, Lisbon, Portugal.

Santos, J. O., & Hagá, S. (2018, May). We need to talk…about childism: Perceived acceptability of discriminatory statements targeting children. XIV Phd Meeting in Social and Organizational Psychology, ISCTE-IUL, Lisbon, Portugal.

Hagá, S., & Santos, J. O. (2018, April). Perceiving children as less human than adults. 13º Encontro da Associação de Portuguesa de Psicologia Experimental (APPE), Braga, Portugal.

Santos, J. O. & Hagá, S. (2017, March). Do we infrahumanize our children?. Dia do Jovem Investigador em Psicologia (DJIP), FP-UL, Lisbon, Portugal.

Poster presentations

Santos, J. O., Hagá, S., & Garcia-Marques, L. (2021, April). Innocent until proven child? Adults' assumptions about children’s and adults' behaviors. XV Encontro da Associação de Portuguesa de Psicologia Experimental (APPE) , ISPA, Lisbon, Portugal (Online).

Santos, J. O., Hagá, S., & Garcia-Marques, L. (2019, May). Children are curious and adults are responsible: Stereotypes and feelings towards children and adults. 14º Encontro da Associação de Portuguesa de Psicologia Experimental (APPE), FPCE-UÉvora, Évora, Portugal.

Ricoca-Peixoto, M., Hagá, S., Santos, J. O., & Garrido, M. P., (2019, May). Would you rather meet a childlike adult or an adultlike child? Childlike and adultlike as attributes in person perception. XIV Phd Meeting in Social and Organizational Psychology, ISCTE-IUL, Lisbon, Portugal.

Ricoca-Peixoto, M., Hagá, S., Santos, J. O., & Garrido, M. P., (2019, May). A criança e o adulto dentro de nós, vistos de fora: Percepção de pessoas descritas como “muito crianças” ou “muito adultas”. 14º Encontro da Associação de Portuguesa de Psicologia Experimental (APPE), FPCE-UÉvora, Évora, Portugal.

Santos, J. O., Hagá, S., & Garcia-Marques, L. (2018, June). Childism is no child’s play: Experimental and anecdotal evidence of discrimination against children. Future of Social Cognition workshop, East Anglia, England.

Santos, J. O., & Hagá, S. (2018, April). While you’re young it’s acceptable: Perceived acceptability of discriminatory statements targeting children. 13º Encontro da Associação de Portuguesa de Psicologia Experimental (APPE), Braga, Portugal.

Santos, J. O., & Hagá, S. (2017, June). Are children perceived as less human than adults?. XIII Phd Meeting in Social and Organizational Psychology, Lisbon, Portugal.

Santos, J. O., & Hagá, S. (2017, May). Wild children and civilized adults: Studies on the infrahumanization of children. 12º Encontro da Associação de Portuguesa de Psicologia Experimental (APPE), Oporto, Portugal.


2023: SciOps: Next-Level OpenScience?. Workshop presented at the QHELP 2023 Mobility event, Arrifana, Portugal

2023: git and GitLab. Workshop presented at the QHELP 2023 Mobility event, Arrifana, Portugal

2022: Openness & Community: Catalysts for Quality Ethical Science. Workshop presented at a QHELP Multiplier event, at the University of Lisbon - Department of Psychology. (Co-author: Inês Ramalhete)

2021: Modelos Multinível no R: Uma Missão ImPossível. Invited Workshop at the University of Lisbon - Department of Psychology.

2020: O que é e como se faz a ciência? Dicas para produtores e consumidores. Workshop presented at the Dezember Workshops at the University of Lisbon - Department of Psychology.

2020: Um novo robô de cozinha: o R! Utilização e receitas básicas. Workshop presented at the Dezember Workshops at the University of Lisbon - Department of Psychology.

2017: Workshop on mouse-tracking, Invited Workshop at the University of Lisbon - Department of Psychology (Main author: Sara Hagá)


2024: Statistical Analysis I, Undergraduate Course at ISPA (Coordinator: Nuno Gomes Roberto) - taught three classes of introduction to R to the initial cohort

2024: Statistics Applied to Psychology, Undergraduate Course at FPUL (Coordinator: Ana Luísa Rapouso) - Taught three modules (lectures and sectionals) to all enrolled students

2024: Data Analysis I, Undergraduate Course at ISPA (Coordinator: Gonçalo Aires de Oliveira) - taught two cohorts, three hours a week each, for a semester

2023: Philosophy of Science, Undergraduate Course at ISPA, taught the initial cohort of students to attend the course course), one hour and half a week, for a semester

2023: Statistical Analysis II, Undergraduate Course at ISPA (Coordinator: Nuno Gomes Roberto) - taught two cohorts, three hours a week each, for a semester

2023: Introduction to Probabilities and Statistics Applied to Psychology, Undergraduate Course at FPUL (Coordinator: Maga Roberto) - taught four cohorts (sectional classes), two hours a week each, for a semester

2022: Social Psychology II, Undergraduate Course at FPUL (Coordinator: Ana Sofia Santos)

2022: Social Psychology II, Undergraduate Course at FPUL (Coordinator: Ana Sofia Santos)

2022: Graduate Seminar in Social and Cognitive Psychology at FPUL (Coordinator: André Mata)

2021: Research Methods in Psychology: Basic Notions, Undergraduate Course at FPUL (Coordinator: Mário Boto-Ferreira)

2021: Social Psychology II, Undergraduate Course at FPUL (Coordinator: Ana Sofia Santos)

2021: Research Methodology, Graduate Seminar at FPUL (Coordinator: Magda Roberto)

2020: Research Methods in Psychology: Basic Notions, Undergraduate Course at FPUL (Coordinator: Mário Boto-Ferreira)

2019: Social Psychology I, Undergraduate Course at FPUL (Coordinator: André Mata)

2018: Themes of Social Psychology, Undergraduate Course at FPUL (Coordinator: André Mata)

2018: Research Methodology, Graduate Seminar at FPUL (Coordinator: Magda Roberto)

Professional memberships

Associação Portuguesa de Psicologia Experimental (APPE) - Member since 2018

Additional Training

2022: QHelp, one week intensive seminar in quantitative thinking, statistics (including R and Shiny apps) at KU Leuven (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven)

2019-2021: WriteOn, Scientific Writing Workshop at the University of Lisbon - Department of Psychology

2019: Analyzing discourse and communication for understanding socio-psychological processes at ISCTE-IUL

2018: X Summer School In Advanced Methods Of Data Analysis, at the University of Lisbon - Department of Social Sciences (ICS-UL)

2018: Introduction to E-Prime: From the design of the experiment to data management and processing at ISCTE-IUL

2018: Qualitative data analysis with NVivo 11 at ISCTE-IUL

2018: Systematic literature review and meta-analysis in Psychology at ISCTE-IUL

2018: Moderated Mediation at ISCTE-IUL

2018: Publishing empirical articles that have information value at ISCTE-IUL

2017: Techniques of Data Analysis I at ISPA


Statistical analyzes: R (including: mixed effects and robust models, ggplot2), JASP, SPSS.

Experiment Programming: Qualtrics, Iatgen, OpenSesame, Mouse Tracker, E-PRIME.

Open Science: Preregistration and open science using,, and

Markup: Markdown (including RMarkdown and Bookdown), LaTeX, as well as multi-format conversion using pandoc (including custom templates).

Programming: C, R, POSIX shell, also dabbled in Python, Lua and SQL.

Web: html, css, interactive R/Shiny applications.

Tools: Linux (proficient user), git, make, sed as well as other coreutils; GitHub and Gitlab (including gitlab CI/CD).


Portuguese (native speaker)

English (fluent)

French (basic comprehension)

Spanish (basic comprehension)

Latin (very basic comprehension, personal hobby)

Copyright (c) 2023 João Oliveira Santos, licensed under CC-BY-ND-4.0 Creative Commons License