About Me

a photo of me

I’m a social psychology PhD student and statistics consultant/tutor. I’m fascinated by how we can learn about the natural world, as well as figure out how sure and how humble we should be about what we find.

My research has focused on how adults perceive children, as a social category. Exploring ageism across the age spectrum, or other less debated forms of discrimination (e.g., ableism, the treatment of prisoners, etc…), is something I would like to do in the future should the opportunity arise.

I’m increasingly drawn into figuring out ways to leverage technology to solve problems, in academia and in the industry. I’ve used and developed software to analyze data efficiently, teach statistics, and automate trivial tasks. Teaching and tutoring people about R, statistics, research methods is also something I love to do, be it in a classroom or in individual lessons.

I love Linux, programming (specially in C), learning about computer science, particularly about hardware-software interfaces and systems programming. Besides programming, I enjoy playing around with several random hobbies that bring me joy and get me away from the computer. I’ve been blessed with an amazing son and an amazing wife, that’s one of the reasons why I prefer working as a freelancer (remotely or hybrid), so I can spend more time with them.