Blog Intro

Date: 2023-02-08

Edits: Added the thank you note (2023-02-09).


There are so many intelligent and meaningful blogs out there it’s about time we get some idiot to dumb it down. This entire blog will be AI generated, in the sense that it will be generated by AnIdiot—me! Since this blog is AI generated, I don’t know what it will become in the future but I hope to make many posts about MeaningLess topics. Still, AI isn’t perfect, and this idiot is no exception, so an interesting post can still show up from time to time.

Main Goal

The goal of this blog is to showcase how AnIdiot like me can generate content about MeaningLess topics. I keep having ideas and thoughts I want to write down and put out there, but since I’m too hipster for social media (or I’m just not smart enough to learn how to use it) I figured I would just share my thoughts here.

Secondary Goals

I hope this blog can help me keep my sanity (if I have any left) while I write my PhD thesis, and try to work as a freelancer. I also hope it will serve as a place where I can post more long form content that is not well suited for my personal website.


It is hard figuring out the limits to my stupidity so I don’t know what I will cover in this blog. I expect to write about my professional interests and some of my hobbies. I’m not particularly found of exposing my personal life but it is possible I’ll make a more personal posts from time to time.

Thank you

Thank you so much for reading! If you would like to give some feedback please open an issue on this blog’s GitLab.