Job Crafting

Date: 2023-02-14

Edited: 2023-02-23 (to address issue #1)

Many thanks for the feedback, Cristina!


Have you tried tweaking your job to your needs and personal preferences? In this post, I discuss how I have done it from my masters' until now. I know I’ve been particularly privileged to have had people supporting me throughout the process, and maybe even in having work and interests that lend themselves well to job crafting. Still, I would like to suggest you give job crafting a try, or at least consider it, as a means of improving your work experience.

What’s Job Crafting?

Wrzesniewski and Dutton (2001) coined the term job crafting to refer to how “employees craft their jobs by changing cognitive, task, and/or relational boundaries to shape interactions and relationships with others at work.”. Note that Wrzesniewski and Dutton (2001) highlight how job crafting can occur at the cognitive, task, or relational level. Meaning, people can tweak how they see their job and the impact it has on them (cognitive), how they perform their tasks (task), or how and whom they interact with (relational). I know nothing of this field, and this post is not a review (for that see Tims et al., 2022; Zhang & Parker, 2019), so this introduction will have to do.

My Attempts at Job Crafting


I may have been job crafting when I chose topics that I like for assignments, and got a kick out of presenting group projects in unique ways, but I would say I started job crafting in the last year of my masters. At that point I was becoming more of a Linux geek every day, and I was trying to do everything in the command line. Not much has changed in that regard… I’m still learning to do that by trial and error. However, back then, as my advisor Sara Hagá must recall, there were many more errors than successful trials, so many errors… Sara is as tolerant of my failures as one can be, much more than she should, so she let me continue to try…and fail… My LaTex-written master thesis was far from being 100% APA compliant… Tomás Palma, in my thesis defense, noted he believed the thesis was only poorly formatted because of Linux. To this day my parents remind me of that whenever I speak of how great Linux is. In actuality, if I’m not mistaken, the most poorly formatted portion was the reference section, and I wrote that manually in a word processor (not LaTeX)… I started doing my analysis in R, but at the time I didn’t quite understand how to do ANOVAs in R, especially if they were repeated measures ANOVAs. I also tracked my files with git, which I don’t believe caused many problems, but I also don’t think was that helpful at the time. I do recall committing the pdf versions of the files besides the LaTeX version, and how my friends studying computer science scoffed at it…

Anyway… After my masters I jumped right in to my PhD (thanks to Sara’s tireless efforts). I continued to learn by trial and many errors until I eventually got a good grasp of how to do all my analysis in R. I even learned how to run linear mixed models, write RMarkdown reports, and many other wonderful techniques that have greatly improved my workflow. I also volunteered to assist my colleague, Cristina Mendonça, in creating the website for our PhD programme, which allowed me to learn about HTML, CSS, and (very) basic web development. I should have noted this before but I got increasingly drawn into philosophy of science, research methods, getting sucked into the replication crisis debates. With the help of my co-advisor, Leonel Garcia-Marques, and with Sara’s wise advice, I managed to turn what should have been a class assignment (that was never submitted) into a manuscript the three of us have been working on. To avoid getting called out for APA compliance again, I’ve written a custom template for pandoc (see my dotfiles) so I can write in pandoc-flavored markdown, and render it to a (mostly) APA 7th compliant .docx file. In the end, something amazing happened. People started to hear that I could do nice things with R, and they started asking for my help.


This leads me to today. For over a year now, I’ve been making a living with tutoring, giving workshops, consulting in statistics and in R. RUGGED–an R user group I helped create and coordinate–was born after one of my workshops (I plan to write even more about RUGGED in the future, stay tuned). My passion for programming, git, Linux, Make, and technology in general has led me to learn enough so I could use GitLab CI/CD, and Docker to automate my work. One of the projects I’m spearheading over at RUGGEDSciOps—aims to provide a useful template to simplify the use of CI/CD tooling for open science.

Getting back to job crafting… In one of my freelancing gigs I found a way to partially automate a very repetitive and boring task, by doing some web scrapping in R. I’m also happy to report I found the opportunity to give a workshop on open science where I got to introduce SciOps, and hope to present it again soon. I’ve also been volunteering to create websites, just so I can use make it_stop—a static website generator I started developing after finding out about GitLab Pages.


I obviously don’t know the future, and as someone who’s trying to finish his PhD, while working as a freelancer, my future looks more uncertain than it has in a while. Still, I expect whatever I end up doing I’m going to try and:

  1. continue to work in the command line as much as I can, and I will likely also continue to highlight the importance of research methods (task crafting);

  2. find good mentors (relational crafting);

  3. see myself as someone who can make a boring task fun, and who is jack of all trades master of none, that can oftentimes be better than a master of one (cognitive crafting).

Why Job Craft?

I know this is my blog, but enough about me. I just wanted to give you some examples of what job crafting can be like, but I ended up reminiscing, for way too long… The only point I wanted to get across is that sometimes a job can be boring, or it can be great while you still feel something is missing for you. In that case, perhaps there’s something you can do to make it more interesting to you, to make it scratch that itch that you have, that perhaps you only get to scratch with a hobby. Let’s say you love learning languages, but work in a country and with people that only speak a language. Well maybe if you have to google something for your work you can write your queries in a different language. Maybe you can find a client, a supplier, or what have you that’s from another country and you can get to speak another language with them. If there is something that you love that you think has no relation to your work, think again, maybe there’s a connection waiting to be made. I’m obviously not guaranteeing that’s always gonna be the case, nor do I want to sound tone deaf to anyone stuck in a job they hate, and want to get out of, but need it to pay the bills. I’m just saying that maybe if you’ve never thought about job crafting, consider giving it a try, you might enjoy it!

Thank You

Thanks you so much for reading!

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