Stop Making R a Status Symbol

Date: 2023-04-27


I speculate that using R may have become a status symbol, when it should be no such thing. Moreover, I suggest that, counter-intuitively, dropping the high status may actually help to increase R adoption.

What I’ve Noticed

Maybe it’s just me but I’ve noticed people assume that if someone “knows R” they must be a statistics genius. People also seem to believe, perhaps unconsciously, that using R is somehow morally superior to using SPSS, JASP, Jamovi, or other softwares with a graphical interface. I’m biased, but I can concede that people who use R may on average know a little more about statistics than people who use SPSS. Still, correlation doesn’t imply causation. If there is such correlation it’s probably due to the contextual factors. For instance, people teach R mostly in advanced courses, whereas they teach SPSS in intro courses. Moreover, the people who learn R on their own may be more motivated to learn statistics, or in need of more advanced analysis, than those who stuck with the software they were taught first. Regardless, the point is that there is nothing about using R that automatically makes someone an expert in stats or programming. Likewise, there’s nothing about using SPSS that automatically makes a statistical expert forget everything she knows about statistics, or an elite computer hacker forget what she knows about programming.

Using R != Knowing R

One reason why using R shouldn’t be a status symbol, is that in reality a lot people who use R, for data analysis, don’t actually know the language that well. If you “learn” R just to get an analysis done, you’re probably “learning” little asides from copy pasting. No judgment. That’s how we all get started with programming, we change something in a script, and see if the program still runs or if it breaks. Moreover, if you’re just focused on getting some work done you’re may not have the time or the patience to actually try and learn the language. Again, no judgment. R is a tool, so it might as well be useful. Still, this means that using R, even for a complex analysis, is not really the same as really knowing R or programming.

Knowing R != Knowing Stats

I’ve noted that people who use R may not actually know the language that well. I should also note that one can know the R language, and be proficient in it without knowing that much about statistics. Maybe the former is more common in psychology, since people are drawn to R once they want to learn more about statistics. Still, the latter can also be true. In fact, that was my case. I didn’t knew that much about statistics when I started to learn R. I actually wanted to use R as to relearn statistics. As I’m geek, and I had started to learn programming in Python (to be clear I had taken the first steps, I hadn’t studied computer science topics at the time), learning the language wasn’t that hard, but relearning statistics was. Regardless, this is all to show that using or knowing R does little on its own to improve your understanding of statistics.

Will Dropping the High-Status Hinder Adoption?

It might, but I think it won’t. In fact it might actually help adoption if R is seen as something easier to learn. What could help adoption even more is if R is perceived as the norm. For R to become the norm it will have to loose some of its elite status. This leads us to the, perhaps counter-intuitive, conclusion that if you want to increase R adoption you should strive to make it less of a mysterious elite skill, and more like an approachable tool to use every day. In academia, unfortunately, we already have enough reasons to suffer from impostor syndrome, let’s not make R another reason for people to feel bad about themselves. Let’s make R accessible for everyone!


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