Are Text-Based UIs Making a Comeback?

Date: 2023-02-10


Are text-based user interfaces (UIs) making a comeback with chat bots and chat-based AIs? As a command line Linux geek I’m left wondering if we might be getting back to text-based UIs, with the rise of chat bots, and AIs like chatGPT that let us chat with it.

In Praise of the Command Line

In my R workshop I usually cite and adapt this koan, from Eric S. Raymond’s The Art of UNIX Programming. It’s a really short passage, so you should go read the original… The takeaway from the koan is that graphical user interfaces (GUIs) might be easier to learn and use, when you know nothing about working a given software. However, GUIs don’t really allow for mastery, you’re likely as efficient working with them after a year, than you were after the first week or month. GUIs are typically less stable in terms of how frequently they get changed, cosmetically, but also in regards to where everything is positioned. Command line interfaces (CLIs), on the other hand, have managed to stick around (just like UNIXes) for a long time, and to (mostly) stay backwards compatible. This means someone’s shell scripts from a decade ago can likely still run in the latest version of bash. CLIs allow you to talk to your machine, using very few short “words”. They allow to reach ever new levels of mastery, including finding ways to continuously automate routine tasks. However, if you ignore us die-hard Linux users, and/or programmers, you see CLIs have largely been replaced by GUIs. In short, it seems GUIs have won, and text-based interfaces have lost.

The Comeback?

Today a LinkedIn post from Diana Orghian has left me wondering… With the rise of chat bots, and AIs like chatGPT, are we getting back to interacting with our machines through text? Are finding it easier, even superior, to interact with AIs by writing to tell them what we want, and how we want them to revise what they’ve generated? Admittedly, AIs don’t force users to write their queries only in a very specific way, returning syntax errors if they don’t. Yet, isn’t that just the Unix way of programs, following the robustness principle, being liberal with what they accept as input, and strict about what they return as output, taken to new heights? In short, are text-based interfaces winning the war, after having lost a battle?


I’m not a UX researcher, nor a UI designer. I don’t find myself the greatest UNIX historian, nor an amazing CLI user. Still, I’ve lived in the terminal long enough to ask myself: are people rediscovering the value of text-based UIs?

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